eDNA sampling is a quick and straightforward process. Our kits are designed to cover a range of sample types including water, soil and scat. For each project, we provide the necessary kits, training and support to undertake sampling with ease. We have expertise to explore emerging sampling techniques with our clients and innovative research and development to support unique project needs.
eDNA Sampling Kits
For eDNA sampling in freshwater, estuarine and marine environments. Aquatic ecosystems are perfect for monitoring due to the movement of DNA, offering valuable insights into the species present. Collecting water samples can reveal insights into species in and around waterways.
Each kit contains:
Recyclable pouch with site label and QR instructions
Latex gloves
Disposable syringe
Disc filter unit (number dependent on replicates per site)
Preservative solution
For eDNA sampling in terrestrial ecosystems. Uncover hidden biodiversity from soil samples. Soils host complex ecosystems that include a variety of bacteria, fungi, plants, invertebrates and animals. We recommend this approach to understand indicators of soil health.
Each kit contains:
Recyclable pouch with site label and QR instructions
Latex gloves
Falcon tube (s) (number dependent on replicates per site)
Soil mixing bag
Preservative solution (if required)
For eDNA species identification, monitoring and diet analysis. Scats contain an abundance of genetic clues and swabbing of scats provide a quick and effective way to capture DNA from the scat. With these samples we can help identify host species, understand host diet, or provide an innovative survey method to detect species in a region if they have been predator prey.
Each kit contains:
Recyclable pouch with site label and QR instructions
Latex gloves
Swab tubes
Preservative solution